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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution

St Augustine Papers Vol1 2000

Inauguration Lectures

Katongole, E. “The ‘Faces’ of African Philosophy: On Being ‘Placed” by Western Paradigms and/or Misrepresentations”
Tlhagale, B. “Inculturation: Bringing the African Culture into the Church”
Kasper,W. “The Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ”
van Tongeren, P. “Two Difficult Virtues: Tolerance and Forgiveness”
van Tongeren, P. “Euthanasia and Autonomy”
Vogelsang, H. “Basic Values in the Basic Rights of the German Constitution”

St Augustine Papers Vol 2 2001

King, N. “St Augustine Today”
van der Ven, J. “The Formation of Churches as Moral Communities”
Jans, J. “E-vangelisation: A Theological Reflection on the Relation between the Internet and Christian Faith”
Bate, S. “What does it mean that the Church is the Instrument of the Kingdom of God in the South African Context: A Catholic Perspective”

St Augustine Papers Vol 3 Part 1 2002

Hodgson, P. “Christianity and Science”

St Augustine Papers Vol 3 Part 2 2002

Lamberigts, M. “Augustine’s View of Liberty Revisited”
O’Mahony,D. “A Spirituality to accompany Sustainable Development”
Hoebeke, L. “The wisdom of the Book of Job and the Relation of Man to Nature”
Faller,P. “The Integrity of Creation: Environment as a Social Issue”

St Augustine Papers Vol 4 Part 1 2003

Clohessy, C. “Islamic Discourses”
Moss, R. “Eschatology and Politics in Augustine’s ‘City of God’”
Lambrecht, J. “Resurrection in 1 Cointhians 15: Paul’s Reasoning and our Questions”
van Vuuren, R. “Reflections on the Significance of Thresholds in Everyday Life”

St Augustine Papers Vol 4 Part 2 2003

Kirchhoffer,D. “The Good, the Bad and Those Who Think They Are”
Hodgson, P. “Galileo Rehabilitated”
Egan, A. “Job and Critique of Unjust Power: Ideologies of Power and the Power of Ideologies”

St Augustine Papers Vol 5 Part 1 2004

Stegmann, F. “Economic Liberalism, Marxism and Critical Judgement”

St Augustine Papers Vol 5 Part 2 2004

Bujo, B. “How Concrete is an African Theology Today?”
Moss, R. “The value of Scriptural and Historical evidence in the Debate within the Roman Catholic Church concerning the ordination of women”
Van Oort, J. “Augustine and Manichaeism in Roman North Africa”

St Augustine Papers Vol 6 Part 1 2005

Williams, O. “The UN Global Compact: The Challenge and the Promise”
Smurthwaite, M. “Governance and Catholic Social Teaching”
Mofuoa, K. “The Legal Protection of Whistleblowers in South Africa: Issues and Prospects”

St Augustine Papers Vol 6 Part 2 2005

Conference Proceedings: Ut Unum Sint

Botha, B. “Ut Unum Sint”
Buchanan, D. “Ut Unum Sint - An Anglican Perspective and Response”
Cragg, D. “Ut Unam Sint – A Methodist Reflects”
Le Bruyns, C. “Ut Unam Sint – An Evangelical Perspective”
Maimela, S. “Demoninationalism – A Moral Defeat of Ut Unum Sint?”
Moss, R. “The First Thousand Years: A Contemporary Model for Papal Primacy”
Parry, E. “Papal Ministry for Sale/To Let: Ten years after Ut Unum Sint”
Parginos, P. “Orthodox Ecumenical Dialogue”
Rakoczy, S. “Ut Unum Sint: A Theological and Ecumenical Orientation”

St Augustine Papers Vol 7 2006

Mbiti, J. “Aspects of African Heritage and Spirituality”
Kasambala, A. “African Spirituality and Pastoral theology”
Huls, J. “Mystagogy in Primordial Spirituality as perspective for African Spiritualities”
Waaijman, K. “Primordial Spirituality”
Motshekga, M. “African Spirituality and the Regeneration of Africa”
Masango, M. “African Spirituality that Shapes the Concept of Ubuntu”

St Augustine Papers Vol 8 2007

Likupe, R. “African Catholic Theology: A functional theology in service of the Church and society”
Smurthwaite, M. “Is it possible to live the moral life within capitalism?”
Stegmann, F. “From ‘Cost Factor’ to ‘Co-Entrepreneur’”

St Augustine Papers Vol 9 Part 1 2008

Van Heerden, M. “Pragmatism and Faith”
Schneiders, S. “Religion versus Spirituality”
Smurthwaite, M. “The Purpose of the Corporation”

St Augustine Papers Vol 9 Part 2 2008

Morrisey, F. “The Formal Marriage Nullity Trial in the light of Dignitas Connubii”
Moss, R. “Saving us from Ourselves – The Rights of Bishops and Priests in Conflict Situations”
de Mûelenaere, M. “Bankruptcy Alarm: Canonical measures to Prevent the Unthinkable in a Diocese”
Stokes, C. “Canonical Implications of the Response of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa to the Sexual Abuse of Minors by Church Workers”
de Mûelenaere, M. “The Importance of Canonical Regulations for the Catholic Church in Southern Africa”

St Augustine Papers Vol 10 Part 1 2009

Raidt, E. “Catholic Universities in Africa”
Van Heerden, M “A Vision for Higher Education”
Van Heerden, M “Supporting the Research Initiatives of Institutions of Higher Learning: National Research Funding and Non-Professorit Private Institutions of Higher Education”
Lutz, D. “Leadership and Management within the Catholic Tradition”

St Augustine Papers Vol 10 Part 2 2009

Raidt, E. “Sankofa – Learning from the past to build the future: St Augustine College of South Africa: the past and the future"
Van Heerden, M “Three Sophists – what a university must not be”
Makgoba, M.W. “Knowledge/Research: Opportunities for South African Universities in the context of globalisation in transition”
Moss, Rodney L. Theology and the Academy: Mutual Enrichment?”
Greaves, D. “The idea of a university in a networked world”
Nxumalo, J. “A Catholic Institute of Higher Education in the South African Social Context”
Simkins, C. “The University as Human Capital Factory: Teaching and Research from an Economic point of View”
De Kadt, R. “Universities in the 21st Century: Challenges of South Africa”
Habib, A. “Responding to President Zuma’s State of the Nation Address: Reflections on the Challenges confronting Higher Education”

St Augustine Papers Vol 11 2010

Simkins, C. “International financial and economic architecture: Is it fit for purpose?
de Kadt, R. “Global political power transitions: States, regimes and regions in the post cold war era
Winterberg, J. “The relevance of social market economics in the current global situation”
Moss, R. “Ethics and the Economy: A critique from the perspective of Catholic social thought: New directions in economics and ethics: toward a new world order”
Landau, L and Misago, J. “Malthusian misery or the promised land? Reflections on mobility, violence and Africa’s urban future”
Rowe, N. “Positive and normative aspects of economics in basic education: An investigation into the economics and management sciences curriculum in South Africa”
Smurthwaite, M. “Ethical challenges of the current economic system: the common good: access to global forums, distributive justice, management of the global commons and climate”
Boulle, L. “New directions in economics and ethics – towards a new world order: New Directions in global financial regulation and governance”
Walmsley, G. “New directions in economics and ethics: Towards a systematic relationship”

St Augustine Papers Vol 12 Part 1 2011

Lawrenson, T. “Can the Dignity of the Human Person be a serious criterion in Economic Life?"
Smurthwaite, M. "Ethics and Sustainability: taking Corporate Social Responsibility further"
Hudson, J. "Dimensions and Drivers of Business Giving in South Africa"
McGovern, M. & Van Heerden, M. "Meaning of Mission"

St Augustine Papers Vol 12 Part 2 2011

Tlhagale, B. “An African Perspective”.
Magesa, L. “Faith in the Face of Secularism – The Resilience of a Besieged Spirituality: African Religion in an Age of Secularisation.”
Egan, A. ”Moral Theological approaches to Religious Engagement with the public square in the light of secularisation”.
Smurthwaite, M. “Patience and its implications for ethical leadership of organisations”.

Scholtz, F. Book Review: “Is this seat taken?”
Hadebe, N. Book Review: Tradition fixed and mobile – essays in honour of Rev Prof Rodney Moss.

St Augustine Papers Vol 13 Part 1 2012

Stegmann, F.

"Classical Economic Liberalism or Capitalism and Essentials of A Critical Assessment”
“The Social Question(s) of the 19th Century and the Encyclical “Rerum Novarum” (1891)”
"Karl Marix, Marxism and Essentials of a Critical Assessment"

St Augustine Papers Vol 13 Part 2 2012

Stegmann, F.

“Social Market Economy: A Good Chance or a Wrong Track?”
“Market Economy and Morality: Contradictory or Complimentary?”
“Worker Participation” in Economic Decision Making: The German Model of Co- Determination and Catholic Social Teaching”
“From Cost-Factor to Co-Entrepreneur: Christian Social Teaching, Social Market Economy and the Changing Role of the Worker in Modern Economy”
“The Current World Economic Crisis, Social Market Economy and Christian Social Teaching”

St Augustine Papers Vol 14 Part 1 2013

McGurk, N & Lowry, D. “The Philosophy of the Catholic University in the Southern African Context”
Karecki, M. “The Role of Catholic Tertiary Education in South Africa Today”
Smurthwaite, M. “Anger and its Implications for Ethical Leadership in Organisations”

Murray, J. Book Review: Contrary Critical responses to the Novels of Andre Brink

St Augustine Papers Vol 14 Part 2 2013

Haldane, J. "Understanding the Human: The Necessity of Philosophy for Education and Research"
Smurthwaite, M. "Applied Ethics, Interdisciplinarity and Education in an African Context"
Ugwuanyi, L. "Towards an Educational Philosophy for the Human Sciences in Africa"
Schmidt, J.M. & da Rocha Kustner, C. "Whose Voice is Talking? Literary Narratives as a Tool for Transformative Pedagogy around HIV/AIDS and Gender Perceptions"
Glencross, M. "Towards a Philosophy of Mathematical Literacy"

Duncan, G. Book Review: South Africa Mali Timbuktu Manuscript Project

St Augustine Papers Vol 15 Part 1 2014

Schepers, M. "Promotion of Intellectual Conversion: The Basic Project in Tertiary Education"
Shutte, A. "Evolution and Emergency: A Paradigm Shift for Theology"
Giddy, P. "Recapturing the Unlimited Term of Human Willing"
Whelan, G. "Evangelii Gaudium as 'Contextual Theology': Helping the Church 'Rise to the Level of its Times'"

Jans, J. Book Review: Catholic Women Speak: Bringing Our Gifts to the Table
Giddy, P. Book Review: The Preferential Option for the Poor

St Augustine Papers Vol 15 Part 2 2014

Lawrenson, D. "The Relevance of Julian of Norwich for Spiritual Direction"
van Staden, E. "Contemplation, the Acme of Spirituality, in the Thought of Thomas Merton"
Joubert, L. "St Irenaeus and the Concept of Human Flourishing"

Coyle, J. Book Review: Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love (2014) by E.A. Johnson
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: No Irrelevant Jesus: On Jesus and the Church Today (2014) by G. Lohfink

St Augustine Papers Vol 16 2015

Faller, P. "Is Meditation a Thing for Children?"
Blackie, M.A.L. "Mysticism and Spiritual Formation: Developing a Simple Model of Spiritual Development"
Martin, M.L. "Medical Science and Spirituality in Dialogue"
Evans, J. "Pope Francis and the Creation of Evangelii Gaudium"
Thönissen, C. "Holiness Integrated into the field of Spirituality"

Juma, M. Book Review: Democracy: More than Just Elections (2015) by B. Bam
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: Keeping Body and Soul Together (2015) by B. Haddad
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: What’s divine about Divine Law? (2015) by C. Hayes

St Augustine Papers Vol 17 2016

Whelan, G. "The Human Person: Cause or Solution to the Ecological Crisis?"
Rakoczy, S. "Dorothy Stang: Ecological Prophet and Martyr"
Smurthwaite, M. "Laudato Si’: An Ethical Reflection"
Tlhagale, B. "Discrimination Rooted in Culture: The Basis of Violence against Women"
Ndlovu, L.M. "Book of Ruth: Liberation in Action?"

Vengere, T.M. Book Review: Land Degradation, Desertification and Climate Change (2016) by M.S. Reed & L.C. Stringer
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: Systemic Crises of Global Climate Change: Intersection of Race, Class and Gender (2016) by P. Godfrey & D. Torres
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: The Creator’s Symphony: African Christianity, the Plight of the Earth and the Poor (2015) by K.J. Kaoma

St Augustine Papers Vol 18 2017

Graham , T. “Historical and Contemporary Debates in Knowledge Production: Considerations for the Intellectual Role”
Moore. G.A. “What are the challenges and opportunities for the UN-mandated fact-finding mission to Myanmar?
Wardle, W.J. “Peace and Non-Violent Conflict Transformation as a Way of Life: Focusing on Gulalai Ismail of Pakistan as a Case Study
Pasques, H. “The South African War (1889-1902) and Post-War Afrikaner Identity: An Impact of Violence on the Construction of Ethnic-Social Identity
Matikiti, R. “John Calvin and Politics: Did Calvinist Churches Approve of the Coup d’État in Zimbabwe?

Wielenga, C. Book Review: Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations: The Importance of Being Sorry (2016) by C. Daase, S. Engert et al. (eds.)
Cupido, E. Book Review: What if There Were No Whites in South Africa? (2015) by F. Haffaje
Smurthwaite, M.E. Book Review: Globalization and Sustainable Development: A Business Perspective (2016) by M. Oyevaar, D. Vázques-Brust et al.
Tiernan, B.R. Book Review: Missionary Martyrs of Rhodesia & Zimbabwe, 1976-1988 (2017) by T. Roger
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: Bible and Theology from the Underside of Empire (2016) by V. Vellem, P. Sheerattan-Bisnauth et al.

Irvine, D. “Citation of Br Jude Pieterse and Mr Paddy Kearney” (Other Voices section)

St Augustine Papers Vol 19 2018

Badenhorst, M. “The Lost Motherhood of God: St Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther and Us”
de Mûelenaere, M. “Canon Law, a Work in Progress: Ladislas Örsy’s Art of Practicing Canon Law”
Duncan, G.A. “The Semper Reformanda Principle under Scrutiny in a South African Context”
Vellem, V.S. “Iimanyano Singing Siyakudumisa: Ambivalent Worship and the Reformed Tradition in South Africa”
Beagle, S. “Schaap’s Reconciliation as Ideology and Politics: Assessing South Africa’s TRC”

Oliver, F. Book Review: Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation: The Politics behind #MustFall Movements (2018) by R. Chikane
Khorommbi, T.M. Book Review: Some of my Best Friends are White: Subversive Thoughts from an Urban Zulu Warrior (2017) by N. Ngcobo
Duncan, G.A. Pharaohs on Both Sides of the Blood-Red Waters: Prophetic Critique on Empire: Resistance, Justice, and the Power of the Hopeful Sizwe – A Transatlantic Conversation (2017) by A.A. Boesak
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: The Church We Want: African Catholics Look to Vatican III (2016) by A.E. Orobator, A.E. (ed.)
Urbaniak, J. Book Review: The Cambridge Companion to Black Theology (2012) by D.N. Hopkins & E.P. Antonio (eds.)

Chambers, A. “The Feast” (Other Voices section)

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Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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