Badenhorst, M. “The Lost Motherhood of God: St Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther and Us”
de Mûelenaere, M. “Canon Law, a Work in Progress: Ladislas Örsy’s Art of Practicing Canon Law”
Duncan, G.A. “The Semper Reformanda Principle under Scrutiny in a South African Context”
Vellem, V.S. “Iimanyano Singing Siyakudumisa: Ambivalent Worship and the Reformed Tradition in South Africa”
Beagle, S. “Schaap’s Reconciliation as Ideology and Politics: Assessing South Africa’s TRC”
Oliver, F. Book Review: Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation: The Politics behind #MustFall Movements (2018) by R. Chikane
Khorommbi, T.M. Book Review: Some of my Best Friends are White: Subversive Thoughts from an Urban Zulu Warrior (2017) by N. Ngcobo
Duncan, G.A. Pharaohs on Both Sides of the Blood-Red Waters: Prophetic Critique on Empire: Resistance, Justice, and the Power of the Hopeful Sizwe – A Transatlantic Conversation (2017) by A.A. Boesak
Duncan, G.A. Book Review: The Church We Want: African Catholics Look to Vatican III (2016) by A.E. Orobator, A.E. (ed.)
Urbaniak, J. Book Review: The Cambridge Companion to Black Theology (2012) by D.N. Hopkins & E.P. Antonio (eds.)
Chambers, A. “The Feast” (Other Voices section)