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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution
Prof Terry Sacco

Prof Terry Sacco

A dynamic powerhouse

Eminent Educator & Author
is Academic Dean and Acting President at St Augustine College
As Academic Dean and Acting President at St Augustine College of South Africa, Professor Terry Sacco has adopted an eclectic mix of philosophies in her approach to education. A self-confessed and much-published academic, activist, and educator, Prof Sacco has dedicated her career to include
and challenge exclusion. This dynamic powerhouse joined St Augustine College at the beginning of 2017, where she
completed her doctorate in Philosophy. “I was attracted to the academic freedom and spirituality of St Augustine College”, she explains.

Published Author

Before joining St Augustine, Prof Sacco was involved with Research/Education/Human Development from 2012 to 2016 during which time she wrote several papers on qualitative research methods as well as reconciliation and social justice. And prior to that, Prof Sacco was a lecturer at the University
of Johannesburg where she developed curricular and educated masters students. This was after she had worked as a lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand where she developed curricular and educated post graduate students.
She has written several academic articles including:
Peer sexual harassment and peer violence: South African children at risk Access to Health Care for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds.
Mental Retardation: The South African truth & reconciliation commission: Submission by social work educators
Social work and spirituality in a South African context
Humanising the accused: The social worker's contribution in mitigation of sentence

Prof Sacco has also written chapters in many reviewed books, including:
Loving what is: Engaging with unaccompanied minors and young migrants in Soweto
Inequality, health, wellbeing, and South Africa
Site of Memory: A reconciliation project with displaced people in Johannesburg, South Africa
"Princesses" and others: Parental and sibling perceptions of black pupils attending a Roman Catholic, non-racial primary school

She has also written professional articles, community documents, and delivered many papers. All of these can be viewed here.

Post and Undergraduate Modules

Prof Sacco has created, designed and taught postgraduate and undergraduate modules. Her postgraduate courses have embraced topics such as reconciliation and nation building, contemporary social issues, professional development, violence in the South African context, and elements of peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Undergraduate modules cover subjects like social work with children and families, and anti-discriminatory practice.

Prof Sacco’s Studies

Her post graduate studies began with a B.A. Honours in School Social Work from the University of the Witwatersrand for which she received the M. C. O'Dowd Award for Excellence in School Social Work Practice. Prof Sacco then continued her interest in education and obtained a M.Ed. from the University of the Witwatersrand. She then joined St Augustine College where she obtained her D. Phil, focussing on transitional justice and reconciliation. In her LinkedIn profile, Prof Sacco states: “My desire is to bring together the discourses and practice of education, social justice, spirituality, development and reconciliation so that the human community moves into the future with hope and a concern for each other and the earth.”

Closing Thoughts

In closing, Prof Sacco leaves us with these thoughts: “My enduring pain is experiencing, witnessing, and colluding with exclusion: be it educational, personal, political, social or spiritual. My life’s work as a being, as well as an academic, activist, educator and professional is to include, and to challenge,
"My hope for students who I have the privilege of encountering is that they take delight in their thinking, connect with their truth and social agency, think critically and forge lives that make the world a better place”.


My post graduate studies began with a B.A. Honours in School Social Work, University of the Witwatersrand - for which I received the M. C. O'Dowd Award for Excellence in School Social Work Practice. I continued my interest in education and obtained a M.Ed., University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Being attracted to the academic freedom and spirituality of St Augustine College I completed a D. Phil. here at St Augustine College that focused on transitional justice and reconciliation.

Educative Orientation

My educative horizon inheres critical reflexivity, beholds contemplation, envisions decoloniality and reconciliation discourses that foreground societal trauma. My hope for students, who I have the privilege of encountering, is that they take delight in their thinking, connect with their truth and social agency, think critically and forge lives that make the world a better place.


I have created, designed and taught: post graduate as well as undergraduate modules.


  • Reconciliation and Nation Building
  • Pastoral Care and Community Building
  • Vision and Values in Education
  • Curriculum and Values in Education
  • Contemporary Social Issues
  • Professional development
  • Qualitative Research
  • Values and ethics in professional practice
  • Violence and the South African context
  • Foundations of Peace-Building: Concepts, Philosophy and Organisation
  • Recovering from Violence: Transitional Justice, Reconstruction and Reconciliation
  • Elements of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
  • Assessment and intervention in selected specialised fields
  • Sociology of education
  • Social work practice in schools


  • Social Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Preparing for practice with individuals, groups and communities
  • Social Work with children and families
  • Anti-discriminatory practice
  • Values and Ethics
  • Human growth, behaviour and the social environment

Community Service & Activism

  • Integral Spirituality
  • Migrants & Unaccompanied Minors
  • Community Education & Development
  • Gender oppression: including empowering girls and young women
  • Anti-apartheid & detainee movement


Academic Articles

  • Fineran, S., Bennett, L., & Sacco, T. M. (2001). Peer sexual harassment and peer violence: South African children at risk. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 37(3), 211-221
  • Fineran, S., Bennett, L., & Sacco, T. M. (2003). Peer sexual harassment and peer violence among adolescents in Johannesburg and Chicago. International Social Work, 46(3), 387-340.
  • Reichard, A., Sacco, T. M., & Turnbull, H. R. I. (2004). Access to Health Care for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds. Mental Retardation, 42(6), 459-470.
  • Schmid, J., & Sacco, T.M. (2012). A story of resistance: ‘Concerned Social Workers’ The Social Work Researcher - Practitioner, 24(3), 291-308
  • Sacco, T. M., & Hoffmann, W. (2002/2003). The South African truth & reconciliation commission: Submission by social work educators [Electronic Version]. Journal of Social Work Theory & Practice, 5 from
  • Sacco, T. M. (1999). Social work and spirituality in a South African context [Electronic Version]. Journal of Social Work Theory and Practice from  
  • Sacco, T. M. (1996). Spirituality and Social Work Students in their First Year of Study at a South African University. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 11(2), 43-56.
  • Sacco, T. M. (1995). Violence and peace: The social worker's brief? Social work/Maatskaplike Werk, 31(2), 109-114.
  • Sacco, T. M. (1994). Humanising the accused: The social worker's contribution in mitigation of sentence. Socal Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 30(2), 159-170.

Chapters in Reviewed Books

  • Sacco, T. M. (2017). Loving what is: Engaging with unaccompanied minors and young migrants in Soweto. In P. Denis (Ed.), Faith and Migration (pp. 217-226). Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications.
  • Sacco, T. M. (2015). Inequality, health, wellbeing and South Africa. In U. Brizay, R. Lutz & F. Ross (Eds.), Sozialarbeit des Sudens (Social Work of the South): Band 5 Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und Gesundheitspolitik (Access to Health Care Services and Health Policy) (pp. 43-60). Oldenburg Paulo Freire Verlag.
  • Sacco, T. M., & Schmid, J. (2015). Politicizing welfare and humanizing politics: Social workers opposing apartheid South Africa’s policies. In N. Yu & D. Mandell (Eds.), Subversive social action: Extralegal action for social justice. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier Press
  • Sacco, T. M. (2012). Site of Memory: A reconciliation project with displaced people in Johannesburg, South Africa. In C. Frey & R. Lutz (Eds.), Sozialarbeit des Sudens.  (Social Work of the South).  Band 4 – Flucht und Fluchtlingslager (pp. 411-430). Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag.
  • Sacco, T. M. (1996). Towards an inclusive paradigm for social work. In M. Doel & S. Shardlow (Eds.), Social work in a changing world: An international perspective on practice learning (pp. 31-42). Hants, England: Arena.
  • Sacco, T. M. (1992). "Princesses" and others: Parental and sibling perceptions of black pupils attending a Roman Catholic, non-racial primary school.  In D. Freer (Ed.), Towards Open Schools (pp. 136-155). Manzini, Swaziland: Macmillan.

Professional Articles

  • Sacco, T.M. (1999) ‘Trauma and Helping Children Cope’ Catholic Education News, 8 (2), 1-3
  • Sacco, T.M. (1989) ‘Tribute to David Webster' In Touch, Concerned Social Workers, No 1
  • Sacco, T.M. (1989) ‘Detentions: Minister of Health Admits Health Hazards' In Touch, Concerned Social Workers, No 1
  • Sacco, T.M. (1988) ‘The Effects of detention on Children and their Families', Human Rights Quarterly, 10 (1), 92-95. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Sacco, T.M. (1987). ‘Report - Detainee Services' In Touch, Concerned Social Workers, No 1, May
  • Sacco, T.M. (1986) `Group Work with Young Political "Refugees"' In Touch, Concerned Social Workers, No 1, October

Community Documents

  • `Detention - Torture to the Mind', a pamphlet produced for ex-detainees, April 1987, on behalf of Concerned Social Workers and Appropriate Social Services in South Africa
  • `Coping in Crisis', 1987, a pamphlet produced for victims of apartheid on behalf of Detainees Parents Support Committee (DPSC)
  • `A day in the Life of a Detainee' Newspaper article in The Star July 1985

Papers Delivered

  • “Remembering Duma Kumalo” Duma Kumalo Inaugural Commemorative Lecture and Colloquium VUT Vanderbijlpark Campus, 29 August 2016
  •  “Reclaiming Women’s Power” Christ the King Sophiatown, August 2016
  •  ‘Reconciliation in South Africa: A hope-filled vision in scarce times’, International Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2010
  • ‘Social Workers’ Power’ Key Note Address: Oath Taking Ceremony, First Year Students, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, October 2011
  • ‘Awakening our Humanity: Facing xenophobia attacks on our neighbours’ Oath Taking Ceremony, First Year Students, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, August, 2008
  •  ‘Social Exclusion: Experiences of Some of Apartheid’s Victims of Human Rights Violations post the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’, Symposium of Spirituality and Social Work, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2002
  • ‘Legacies of Past Political Violence’, Symposium of Spirituality and Social Work, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2001
  • A Cross-cultural comparison of peer violence and peer sexual harassment in South Africa and the United States’, International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (ISPCAN) conference, Durban, South Africa, July 2000
  • ‘Spirituality, Social Work and Social Development’, Joint University Council (JUC), Conference, University of Western Cape, September 2000
  • ‘The South African truth & reconciliation commission: Submission by social work educators’ Symposium of Spirituality and Social Work, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 1999
  • ‘Social work and spirituality in a South African context’, Symposium of Spirituality and Social Work, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 1998
  • ‘Anti-Oppressive Perspectives in Social Work Education’ at the Joint University Council Conference, University of Cape Town, September 1995
  • `Violence and Peace’, Joint University Council Conference, Rand Afrikaans University, September 1994
  • `Spirituality and Social Work Students in the First Year of Study at a South African University’ at the International Association Schools of Social Work (IASSW) conference, Amsterdam July 1994
  • `The return of Exiles' paper delivered at African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) conference, in Potchefstroom Township, Orange Free State (OFS)  1990 and at a conference organised by Save The Patriots Campaign (STCP), 14th July 1990
  • `Social Workers - Are We Ignoring Human Rights?’, Paper delivered at conference, Social Workers Forum, Durban, 10th June 1989
  • `Psychological effects of Detention on ex-detainees and their families', paper delivered to Detainees Parents Support Committee (DPSC) Conference, 5 November 1988
  • `Possibilities and constraints for Social Workers in the present socio-political climate' delivered at conference of Concerned Social Workers, October 1987
  • `The Effects of Detention on Children and their Families', paper delivered to Free South Africa's Children - A Symposium on Children in Detention - Congressional hearing organised by Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington DC, 25th June 1987

A little more information

HOD of Social Sciences: Full-Time Associate Professor; Coordinator & Lecturer of M. Phil in Culture and Education & Honours in Peace Studies; and, Lecturer in Psychology & Sociology. Chair of Student Support Services and New Staff Orientation

“I swim towards the shore
Only to find
That you have enlarged the sea.
You leave me dazed with more desire
And give me more muscle
To swim again towards you.”

Hadewijch von Brabant’s contemplation occupies my learning, living, and rebirthing. My personal, professional and political stance is that of discontent: ‘knowing’ is beyond my grasp; being attached to set ideas has allure yet is illusion. As the scales of illusion fall from my eyes I am compelled to ‘swim again towards you’. This discontent rests on the duality of inclusion and exclusion. My enduring pain is experiencing, witnessing and colluding with exclusion: be it educational, personal, political, social or spiritual. My life’s work as a being, as well as academic, activist, educator and professional is to include, and challenge exclusion. I desire ‘more muscle’…..

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St Augustine offers short courses, certificate courses and a range of degrees from the bachelors through to the doctorate level, all of which are recognised and accredited by the relevant branches of South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training.
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Tel: 011 380 9000
Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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