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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution
Humanities Rex Van Vuuren

Prof Rex Van Vuuren


BA(Hons), MA(Clin Psych), DPhil (University of Pretoria)



Reflections on the gift of the sea-shell:  Much in a little.
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Volume 3, Edition 1,
November 2003. 15 pages,

Reflections on the significance of thresholds in everyday life.
St Augustine papers, Volume 4, Number 1, 2003, pp 57-67.

Is this the turning point? A position paper and book review: Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding perspectives in methodology.
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Volume 4, Edition 1,
August 2004.  11 pages,

“Beyond attachment theory:  The joints and hollows of being”.
In: Christian Thiboutot (ed) Essais de psychologie phẻnomẻnologique-existentielle rẻunis en hommage au professeur Bernd Jager.  Cercle interdisciplinaire de recherches phẻmomẻnologiques. Université du Québec à Montréal, October 2006.

A profile of the paranoid State of Souls and the Soul of the State.
Trefoil, Number 27, 2007, pp 39-41.

Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology,  November 2007.

Book Review: Ian Rory Owen PhD (2006),
Psychotherapy and phenomenology: On Freud, Husserl and Heidegger. New York:

“Beyond attachment theory: The hollows and joints of Being”.
Essais de psychologie phénoménologique-existentielle  réunis en homage au professeur Bernd Jager. Cercle interdisciplinaire de recherches phénomélogiques. Université du Québec á Montréal, Canada (2006).

“A profile of the paranoid State of Souls and the Soul of the State”.
Trefoil, Number 27, 2007, pp 39-41.

Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology,  November 2007.
Book Review: Ian Rory Owen PhD (2006), Psychotherapy and phenomenology: On Freud, Husserl and Heidegger. New York:

(The past is not in our memory but in the way of the world) Die verlede is nie in die geheue nie maar in die gang van die wêreld.
In: Die Genesing van Herinneringe.  Prof D Veldsman (Redakteur).  Pretoria: Protea Uitgewers, April 2008.

The history of existential-phenomenological psychology in SA.  In: C H van Ommen & D Painter (eds)
Interiors: A history of Psychology in South Africa. Pretoria: Unisa Press, June 2008.

(Anne Frank: the diary and friendship) Anne Frank: die dagboekbriewe en vriendskap.
Teo-nuusbrief 2008.14, Julie 2008 (webdiens van die Fakulteit Teologie van die Universiteit van Pretoria).

"(The past is not in our memory but in the way of the world) Die verlede is nie in die geheue nie maar in die gang van die wêreld".
In: Die Genesing van Herinneringe.  Prof D Veldsman (Redakteur).  Pretoria: Protea Uitgewers, April 2008.

"The history of existential-phenomenological psychology in SA".
In: C H van Ommen & D Painter (eds) Interiors: A history of Psychology in South Africa. Pretoria: Unisa Press, June 2008.

(“The psychology of friendship:  An analysis of Anne Frank’s diary“)  Anne Frank: die dagboekbriewe en vriendskap.
Teo-nuusbrief 2008.14, Julie 2008 (webdiens van die Fakulteit Teologie van die Universiteit van Pretoria).

In a series on moral leadership designed to explore the moral dimensions of organisational leadership, a collaborative project with the Regent University, School of Business and Leadership, Virginia, USA. I wrote 2 papers on lust and chastity and its implications for organisational leadership.  To foster research in this field, virtual conferences were held in 2010 and 2011 (

“The teaching of phenomenology.”
A special edition of the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology,  September 2012. (RJ van Vuuren, editor).

“Research at private higher education institutions in South Africa”.
Roger Deacon, Rex van Vuuren and Dave Augustyn.  In Perspectives in Education  Volume 32 Number 3 September 2014.

Other Scholarly Contributions

I serve on the editorial board of the Indo-Pacific Journal for Phenomenology ( I also serve as consulting editor for the Humanistic Psychologist, a Journal of the Society for Humanistic Psychology under the auspices of the American Psychological Association.

Selected Presentations Since 2000

  • An existential-phenomenological view of the nature and scope of psychology as a human science.
  • Paper delivered at a regional conference for psychology, RAU, September 2000.
  • The relationship between business and ethics - the impact of King 2 on the running of operations.
  • A paper delivered at a human technology in the mining, metals and minerals industry: state of the art colloquium, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), September 2002.
  • Why do some teachers thrive under adverse circumstances for teaching?  Celebrating South Africa. A conference organised by the Department of Professional Development, Faculty of Education, Canterbury Christ Church University College, Canterbury, 1 – 2 May 2004.
  • Exploring an answer to the question: Why do some teachers thrive under adverse circumstances for teaching?  The third international conference for issues and challenges facing Catholic Educational Leaders, Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia, 1– 4 August 2004.
  • Difficulties in teaching in South Africa. Conference of the Pontifical Council for Culture in Africa, St Augustine College, Johannesburg, 26 October 2004.
  • The wounded leader.  A paper presented at a Roundtable discussion between St Augustine College and the School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Regent University – Thursday 7 March 2007.
  • When do we refer? A paper delivered at a Training Conference of South African Association for Pastoral Counsellors, Randburg, 23 June 2007.
  • Leadership and conscience. A Paper presented at a Roundtable discussion between St Augustine College and the School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Regent University – Thursday 6 March 2008.
  • Qualitative research methods: The phenomenological perspective. A workshop presented to the academic staff members of the Department of Social Work University of Johannesburg – 30 July 2008.

A little more information

Part Time Lecturer in Psychology
BA(Hons), MA(Clin Psych), DPhil (University of Pretoria)

In 1999 Prof van Vuuren left the University of Pretoria after 26 years in the department of psychology to take up the position of Academic Dean at St Augustine College. He remained the Dean until 2013. Prof van Vuuren is registered as both a clinical psychologist and a research psychologist.

After retiring from all the responsibilities as Academic Dean and the management team of the College at the end of 2013 he continues participating in a range of academic and professional activities. At St Augustine he has been teaching on both postgraduate and undergraduate levels as a part-time lecturer. In April 2019, he has bacome an acting Academic Dean of the College.

As a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist his interests are in the area of personality psychology, psychotherapy, qualitative research methods and multidisciplinary dialogues between architecture and psychology, education and psychology, philosophy and psychology and theology and psychology. His interests are grounded in a existential-phenomenology and hermeneutic approaches.

He supervises masters and doctoral candidates and, in the light of the above interests, teaches new topics at the interface between disciplines such as psychology and spirituality; psychology and family and gender ethics and educational leadership and spirituality.

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Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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