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Professor Jaco Kruger at St Augustine

Professor Jaco Kruger

Head of St Augustine Philosopy and Applied Ethics Departments

A gentle spirit with a passion for integral ecological thinking.
As Head of the Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics at St Augustine College of South Africa, Prof Jaco Kruger is fervent in his belief that philosophy is as much a way of life as an academic discipline. This self-confessed citizen of the Global South says he often has more questions than answers, but is passionate about searching for what mediates seeming opposites.
He is also committed to reconciliation and bridge building. He is described by his academic peers at St Augustine’s, a speciality postgraduate teaching and research institution, as “a gentle spirit, mediator, deep listener and peace finder” who encourages learning through dialogue.
Before joining St Augustine, Prof Kruger gained valuable experience working in the Social Services in England. On his return to South Africa, he worked as a minister in a religious community in Pretoria for many years. “As part of a religious community, I was given the opportunity to be involved in various community building and community development projects across a variety of communities.”

Ecological worldview

In recent years Jaco has been investigating the philosophical roots of an integral ecological worldview. This interest is borne of the conviction that the only appropriate way to address the many crises facing our late-capitalist world, is through a change in worldview. Integral Ecological Thinking is eminently suited to bridging the gap between philosophy as an academic discipline and philosophy as a way of life. It is also a fertile ground for interaction between more theoretical Philosophy and more practical Applied Ethics. He explains that Integral Ecological thinking and the practice of ecological peace is becoming a conscious focus of St Augustine College.
Jaco is Married to Donette Werkman-Kruger, the couple has two daughters, Madeleine and Marianné.

Academic achievements

Prof Kruger’s postgraduate studies focussed on a philosophical and theological engagement with the methodology of the natural sciences. His honour’s study comprised an analysis of the core epistemic values underlying Wentzel van Huyssteen’s model of rationality for theology, while his Master’s dissertation was an attempt at a typology of the Faith-Science debate building on insights of the Dutch Christian philosopher, C.A. van Peursen.
He was awarded a D.Litt. et Phil. degree in 2012 from the University of South Africa (UNISA’s) Department of Religious Studies. For his doctoral thesis, Jaco Kruger embarked on a critical engagement with the 20th century theological turn in phenomenology, specifically the work of Jacques Derrida.

Publications (latest – for full list, see CV)

Kruger, J.P. 2022. The Hermeneutics of Suspicion. In: Vorster et al, eds. Christian Hermeneutics in South Africa. Pretoria: Aosis.

Mosca, C.G. and Kruger, J.P. 2022. “Adopting a 'System of Caring' as a leadership strategy toward professionalisation within South African Emergency Medical Services: A Grounded Theory” African Journal of Emergency Medicine. Accepted for publication.

Kruger, J.P. 2021. “Larval intelligence: Approaching AI in terms of Deleuze’s ‘system of the dissolved self’" South African Journal of Philosophy. DOI: 10.1080/02580136.2021.1933724

Kruger, J.P. 2020. Nature, culture, AI and the common good – Considering AI’s place in Bruno Latour’s Politics of Nature. In. Gerber, A. (ed.) Artificial Intelligence Research – Proceedings of the First Southern African Conference for AI Research, SACAIR 2020,
Muldersdrift, South Africa, February 22-26, 2021. New York: Springer.

Kruger, J.P. 2018. “Still searching for the pineal gland? Reading the Ricoeur-Changeux debate in terms of Meillassoux’s critique of correlationism”. Stellenbosch Theological Journal. DOI:

Kruger, J.P. 2017. “Reassembling and remembering – the politics of reconciliation in South Africa.” Acta Theologica Suppl. 25:94-110.

Kruger, J.P. 2017. “Human Dignity and the Logic of the Gift”. South African Journal of Philosophy. 36:4, 516-524 .

Kruger, J.P. 2015. Childhood as continuity and newness: generational succession understood according to the theological logic of the gift. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, DOI: 10.1080/1364436X.2014.999231


My post graduate studies initially focussed on a philosophical and theological engagement with the methodology of the natural sciences. My honours study comprised an analysis of the core epistemic values underlying Wentzel van Huyssteen’s model of rationality for theology, while my Master’s dissertation was an attempt at a typology of the Faith-Science debate building on insights of the Dutch Christian philosopher, C.A. van Peursen.

In 2012 I was awarded the degree D.Litt et Phil. from the University of South Africa (UNISA) in the Department of Religious Studies. My doctoral thesis attempted a critical engagement with the 20th century theological turn in phenemenology, specifically the work of Jacques Derrida.


Articles in Referred Journals

  • Kruger, J.P.  1995.  Core epistemic values in Wentzel van Huyssteen’s model of rationality for theology.  KOERS 62(1):29-44.
  • Kruger, J.P.  2004.  A proposal for a typology of the faith-science debate. KOERS 69(3):389-410.
  • Kruger, J.P. 2013.  Being church sacramentally – a rediscovery.  NGTT 54(1 and 2):81-91.
  • Kruger, J.P. 2013.  Theological and philosophical underpinnings of ‘missional’ church: a critical evaluation.  In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi 47(1), Art. #711, 8 pages. http:// v47i1.711.
  • Kruger, J.P. 2015. Childhood as continuity and newness: generational succession understood according to the theological logic of the gift. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, DOI: 10.1080/1364436X.2014.999231

Contributions in Books

Kruger, J.P. 2008. Christian Identity in an age of difference. In: Van der Borght, E. Christian Identity. Leiden: Brill.

Other Scholarly Contributions

Conference Presentations

  • “Christian Identity in an Age of Difference.”  Conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) held in Seoul, Korea, July 2005.
  • “On the other side of instrumental reason – a plea for a liturgical rationality.”  Part of a series of lectures hosted by the Centre for Faith and Science, Northwest University, September 2007.
  • “Giving place – a thoroughly liturgical notion of space and time.”  Conference of the Theological Society of South Africa, Grahamstown, July 2008.
  • “Space and time as meaning – a liturgical approach.”  Grandeur of Reason Conference hosted by the Centre for Theology and Philosophy (University of Nottingham).  Rome, September 2008.
  • ““A radically liturgical worldview.”   Paper read at a one day seminar of the Dutch Reformed Churches on the liturgy held in Pretoria, February 2010.
  • “Challenges for the Church Today: a South African Reformed Perspective.”  Paper at the 2012 conference of the South African Catholic Theological Society.
  • “Childhood as continuity ánd newness: Generational succession understood according to the theological logic of the gift.”  Paper at a conference of the Faculty of Theology of the North West University in July 2014.
  • “A catholic-protestant future? – The confessions of a lapsed protestant.”  Public lecture delivered at St Augustine College in November 2014.
  • “Reassembling and remembering – the politics of reconciliation in South Africa.”  Paper at the “Radical Orthodoxy in South Africa” conference held at UOFS on 7-9 May 2015.


Other Research and Teaching Activities

  • Taught a module in Dogmatics on 2nd year level at Mukhanyo Theological College in KwaMhlanga, north of Pretoria.  November 2004.
  • “Faith, religion and the Afrikaner people.”  Discussion document presented to a group of academics, October 2009.
  • “Radical Orthodoxy: (post)modern theology and philosophy challenged.”  Article published in Woord en Daad, Summer 2009.
  • “Evolution – what’s the big fuss?”   Research seminar presented at Wapadrant Reformed Church, April 2011.
  • Attendee at the “What is Life?” Conference hosted by the Centre for Theology and Philosophy (University of Nottingham).  Krakow, July 2011.
  • Member of a study group delegated by the National Synod of the Reformed Churches to make suggestions about the celebration of the Eucharist. 2006-2011.
  • Conducted a study tour to the Eastern United States to research models for multicultural and multi-lingual church ministry. June 2013.
  • Attendee at the “The Soul” Conference hosted by the Centre for Theology and Philosophy (University of Nottingham).  Oxford, July 2013.

A little more information

HOD: Humanities / Senior Lecturer (Full-Time): Philosophy & Applied Ethics

BA (Hons), Th.B (Hons), MA (North West University), D. Litt. et Phil (Unisa)

Head of Philosophy & Applied Ethics, Jaco is known for his passion for reconciliation and bridge building.


I consider myself a regular person of Afrikaans descent trying to live with wisdom in the world and especially the South Africa of the 21st century.

Having spent some years as a full time member of a Department of Philosophy, I also had the opportunity to work in the Social Services in the United Kingdom and subsequently to be a pastor in a religious community in Pretoria.  Being part of a religious community afforded me the opportunity to be involved in various community building and community development projects across a variety of communities.

During the past decade and a half I was fortunate enough to travel widely in Europe and Africa (Sudan, Burundi and East Africa, the whole of the SADEC region.)  I feel enriched by these experiences as philosophy is, in my view, as much an art as an academic discipline.

I often have more questions than answers, but I have a passion to search for what mediates between seeming opposites.  Put differently I have a passion for reconciliation and bridge building.

I am married to Donette Werkman-Kruger and we have two daughters, Madeleine and Marianné.

CV can be downloaded from here  

Link to page here

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