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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution
Department of Humanities St Augustine In Johannesburg

Department of Humanities at St Augustine College

The human condition and the experience of the human condition stand at the centre of the Department of Humanities. What unifies the various disciplines in the Department – Philosophy, Literature, Religious Studies and History ̶ is a common endeavour to plumb the depths of the human spirit.

Being in relation with a divine

This is pursued, on the one hand, through a rigorous philosophical analysis of the characteristics of being human, and of the different moods of human experience; on the other hand it is pursued through the interpretation of the outcomes of the work of the human spirit in history and in art (specifically literature).

Finally, the human experience of being called by, and being in relation with a divine “more” is thematised and interpreted in the discipline of Religious Studies.

Pursuit of Truth

Reaching all areas of life in the pursuit of Truth, Wisdom and the common good.

Ready to Join?

St Augustine offers short courses, certificate courses and a range of degrees from the bachelors through to the doctorate level, all of which are recognised and accredited by the relevant branches of South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training.
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Tel: 011 380 9000
Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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