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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution

Are you passionate about faith and its role in promoting social justice? Are you seeking to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the subject of theology? Let’s dive into the benefits of a degree or short course in theology and how they can enhance your personal growth, career prospects, and spiritual journey.

Expand Your Theological Knowledge

By enrolling in a theology academic programme at St Augustine College, you’ll have the opportunity to explore a wide range of theological concepts, the development and purpose of doctrines, and how all are in pursuit of social justice. Regardless of your educational background, St. Augustine College has various programmes and short courses which will provide you with a solid foundation in theological thought, enabling you to engage in meaningful discussions and contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field.

Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

The more one explores their own notion of faith and the theological traditions, spiritual practices, and history of religion the more deepens and enhances their own sense of faith. As St. Augustine College’s motto states, Intellige ut credas – Understand that You May Believe – and this is our Faculty of Theology’s goal: to deepen one’s understanding of faith so that it may grow. This growth also provides the impetus for St. Augustine’s commitment to social justice, which builds alongside your faith which carries over to providing you with a greater sense of purpose and connection to your community.

Develop Critical Thinking Skills Across Disciplines

Theology is not about memorizing doctrines or creeds, rather it is the deep examination of the history, purpose, and reasons for theological teachings in the first place. It therefore requires one to gain critical thinking skills across disciplines: to do theology, one must be able to think like a historian, a philosopher, a counselor, or a teacher. In so doing, theology students familiarize themselves with various academic methods and disciplines. This not only expands one’s theological knowledge, but also how they engage concepts and ideas outside of theology; it creates a stronger critical mindset which can be applied to various issues.

Through rigorous study, research, and analysis, you’ll learn to evaluate complex ideas and apply logical reasoning to theological dilemmas. These critical thinking skills are highly transferable and can benefit you in various professional and personal contexts.

Expand Career Opportunities

Many religious organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations seek individuals with a strong theological background. Skills gained through studying theology, such as critical thinking, communication, and empathy, are highly valued in fields like counselling, social work, and public service. Furthermore, as an interdisciplinary subject, the skills learned from critical thinking, organizing and planning one’s research, and implementing that research will provide students with the capabilities to implement work-related projects, thereby increasing their path to higher employment or promotion.

Engage in Interfaith Dialogue

St. Augustine College’s Faculty of Theology maintains an ecumenically Catholic ethos. This means that it is open to persons of all faiths (or none) and its classes are aimed at better understanding the foundations of faith and religion. Therefore a degree or short course in theology will help you engage in interfaith dialogue and foster greater understanding between different religious communities because, upon completion, one should better understand the nature of faith within humanity and how it expresses itself in different ways. This ability to bridge gaps and promote mutual respect is invaluable in promoting peace, harmony, and cooperation in our increasingly interconnected society.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I pursue a theology programme if I’m not affiliated with any religious institution?

Of course, you can. Theological education is open to individuals from diverse backgrounds and religious affiliations.

Are online programs available for obtaining a higher certificate in theology?

Yes, our blended learning approach allows students across the globe to enrol at St. Augustine College. Our classes are set up to be live-streamed and recorded, and we employ Google Classroom as our communication platform, so students online will have access to all resources necessary for them to complete their modules.

How long does it take to complete a programme in theology?

The duration of St. Augustine College’s programs in theology varies depending on the degree and whether the student elects part-time or full-time study. We offer a BTh as well as multiple postgraduate degrees, from Honours to DPhil. Short courses are also available, but note that these are not degree-granting courses, one only receives a certificate of participation.

How do I apply for a theological programme or know which one is right for me?

The best place to start is to look at our website or to contact Jean-Marie Uwimana or Kirstie Urquhart

What if I have studied religion and theology before, or have degrees in other fields, will my credits/degrees transfer? 

Your previous education will be considered when you apply for a given program. We follow SAQA’s NQF ratings for prior degrees and module credits, but our aim is to put you in the best position to succeed at St. Augustine College and we will discuss with you which programme we think is right for you.


Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will receive a holistic theological education through our curricula and various programmes. So, why wait? Take the first step towards enriching your life and get your higher certificate today! St Augustine College of South Africa offers a range of accredited degrees and courses. View our website for more information on admission requirements and more.

St Augustine is an accredited long distance South African university that offers its students a real-time education experience with its “blended” distance learning programme. Here we look at how distance education has grown in popularity over the last three years and what high quality education courses are available to students choosing to work remotely.

Accredited distance learning colleges have become the norm, rather than the exception, after the 2019/20 global pandemic forced people to reassess how they worked, played, and lived. According to a recent survey, 79 per cent of South Africa’s employees now work from home compared to 26 per cent before the pandemic, while 72.9% of the student population turned to home schooling during the lockdown.

This new way of living has accelerated the demand for distance learning courses from students seeking to broaden their education at their own pace from home. And South African colleges and universities have responded to this demand with innovative programmes, such as St Augustine’s blended learning classes. St Augustine has charted a different course with  blended learning programme that present students with real-time classrooms presided over by live lecturers. Students join the lectures, receive their study materials, and meet fellow students. This active participation is achieved via Google Classroom which enables St Augustine students to actively take part in the blended learning programmes with fellow students from all over the globe.

Short Course St Augustine Johannesburg South Africa

St Augustine Courses

·         St Augustine College offers various degree courses. These include:

·         Philosophy Doctorates in Theology,Philosophy and Education. 

·         Philosophy Masters in Theology, Culture and Education, and Philosophy

·         Bachelor Honours in Theology, Philosophy, and Peace Studies

·         Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies

 Student Reviews

·         I found a family where I am not just a number but a valuable, deserving human being destined to grow and flourish in a challenging academic environment. Anastasia De Vries (Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy)I certainly would encourage any person who is interested in tertiary studies, particularly in Peace Studies, to enrol with the College. The experience is more than just academic learning, it’s experiential and relevant to life. Atty Sobayeni (Bachelor of Arts Honours in Peace Studies)

·         The patience of the lecturers and the collegiality encouraged among us as students enriched one’s worldview and impacted one’s everyday life. I will never forget the helpfulness and courtesy of the staff that made the college a place where one felt safe enough to be themselves. In short, I grew immensely – not just academically but also socially -during the time I spent in St Augustine. Coto Makaba (Master of Philosophy in Theology)

·         I found that the modules offered were of a very high standard and were covered by well qualified lecturers from all over the world. Completing my Master’s degree at Saint Augustine was such a great experience for me that I decided to pursue my Doctoral degree with them as well. Gisele Kalil (Doctor of Philosophy in Theology)

·         St Augustine has become a family to me, the care, expertise and knowledge offered are unbelievable – SARAH HORSHID – ZADA, Bachelor of Arts

·         You will get the right amount of attention from the lecturers due to the small class sizes. Our lecturers are highly qualified and offer some of the best career and industry advice – MASEGO MADIBANE, Bachelor of Arts

·         I appreciate that St Augustine encourages critical thinking, while the modules offered to allow for one to apply practically over and above the theory – SAMKELISIWE NKOMO, Major subjects Political Science, Philosophy and Geography


Distance universities in South Africa have quickly adapted to the new style of living, working, and studying from home that has evolved since the advent of the global viral pandemic and St Augustine College is no different. In fact, 2023 will see an array of innovations and a change of address for this online distance learning institution.

St Augustine courses are recognised and accredited by the national Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the Council for Higher Education (CHE).


Degrees in Theology can be obtained online and are becoming increasingly popular. Students should check that the courses on offer are from accredited institutions. In South Africa, senior level theology teachers with eight or more years of experience can earn in the region of R980,815 annually.

Department of Theology South Africa

Open distance learning

Open distance learning is the perfect solution for students who do not have the time to attend physical classes. St Augustine College is a reputable online educator that allow theology students to learn at their own pace. Courses cover everything from Doctor of Philosophy in Theology to MPhil in Theology.

Benefits include

How it works

St Augustine College in Gauteng is an online course provider accredited by the South Africa Department of Higher Education and Training. Students engage in two major sources for theologising:

Theology courses are offered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and range from a Bachelor of Theology to a MPhil and the DPhil in Theology. Higher Certificates in Biblical Studies are also available.

Doctoral degrees at St Augustine College are based purely on research. Candidates, liaising with the Theology Department, submit pre-proposals for the project. Once accepted by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC), a supervisor is appointed to direct students to prepare a full proposal. This should take no longer than six months. Once the proposal has the FHDC’s approval, candidates embark on the proper research and writing of their dissertations. 

A minimum of two years is required for a doctoral degree. Students will undertake their project under the direction of a supervisor or, in some cases, two co-supervisors. Co-supervision is sometimes suggested by the FHDC when multi and/or interdisciplinary research projects are undertaken.

Doctoral candidates are also encouraged to consult with other lecturers at the College, the Head of Department, and the Academic Dean. If necessary, contact with scholars from other institutions, both national and overseas, can also be facilitated. Apart from the library at St Augustine’s, doctoral candidates have access to several electronic resources subscribed to by the College, as well as to the libraries at other universities. 

Every year, Doctoral Seminars are held at the College to enable candidates to present their work in progress, to receive feedback on their findings, as well as advice on methods of research from Faculty members.

Doctoral degrees in Theology

Doctoral graduates in Theology must:

Master of Philosophy in Theology

Students must complete seven or eight modules in one of three specialisations:

Apart from attending four quarterly teachings during the postgraduate lecture lessons of the academic year, students must complete formative and summative assessment tasks. All students must also complete an 18,000-word research paper on an approved topic.

While there is no strictly defined word limit for a doctoral dissertation, most of the research papers submitted by candidates in Theology range from 300 to 500 pages. Once finalised, the dissertation undergoes a blind review by two external examiners, one of whom is an international scholar who write a detailed report on the research paper. Student dissertations are evaluated by the FHDC and degrees awarded by St Augustine College, dependent on any required corrections.

The final step in the process is the publication of the successful doctoral dissertation. Although this step remains the decision of the author of the dissertation, St Augustine College encourages doctoral graduates to publish their work to make it available to a wider audience.


St Augustine offers short courses, certificate courses and a range of degrees from bachelors to doctorates. All courses are recognised and accredited by the relevant branches of South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training.


The fee per module for 2023:


Ready to Join?

St Augustine offers short courses, certificate courses and a range of degrees from the bachelors through to the doctorate level, all of which are recognised and accredited by the relevant branches of South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training.
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Tel: 011 380 9000
Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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