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A Postgraduate Humanities and Theology Teaching and Research Institution
BA(Hons) in Peace Studies In Johannesburg South Africa

Bachelor of Theology (BTh)

Curriculum and Length of Degree

The Bachelor of Theology degree at St Augustine College is designed to lay a solid foundation for students seeking sound academic, pastoral and/or personal engagement in Theology. The three year degree includes Biblical Studies and Systematic Theology (over three years), Pastoral Studies (over two years), and Church History, Christian Ethics and Philosophy (over year each).
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Who Will Benefit From Studying Theology?

Students may do the programme on a full time or part time basis. The schedule of evening classes allows part time students to complete the degree over six years. Those preparing for ministry, pastoral counselling, teaching, further theological study, or just seeking personal up-dating and enrichment in Catholic theology would find this a very rewarding degree.

While working out of the Catholic Theological Tradition, our Faculty members are ecumenically open and contextually sensitive. Many of our guest lecturers represent other Christian confessions. The programme is not limited to Catholic participants; over the past years it has attracted students from many denominations, including those preparing for ministry, mainly (but not only) Anglicans. Theology at St Augustine College is faith seeking understanding together, in dialogue.

Small class numbers allow for personalised tuition and direct interaction with dedicated and highly trained lecturers as well as with other motivated students. Joining St Augustine's you become a member of a small but vibrant academic family.

Our BTh programme is unique in its balanced approach to faith and reason, engaging the two major sources for theologising: Scripture-in-Tradition and human experience. This holistic and well integrated approach to Theology is reflected in the design of our undergraduate curriculum. To be "Catholic" in an academic context means to search for the "truth running through everything" – and at St Augustine's we indeed mean "everything."

Some say that studying Theology may lead to losing one's faith. We invite our BTh students to mature in their faith by making it more profound, informed and self-conscious. This life-changing experience takes place in a context that is intellectually rigorous and ethically responsible, but also characterised by awe and love before the mystery of God’s presence in our lives, in our relationships, and in the world in which we live.

Admission Requirements

For admission requirements into the Bachelor of Theology (Bth), please refer to the prospectus (page 14, G.4)

Peace building and peace keeping

Our Peace Studies programme aims to equip graduates in the field to approach the challenges of conflict prevention, resolution, peace-building and peace-keeping in a manner that is intellectually rigorous, theoretically well-grounded and empirically richly informed.

To apply, contact: St Augustine College (click lets get started)
P.O. Box 44782, Linden 2104 SOUTH AFRICA
Tel: 011-380-9011
Fax: 011-380-9211

Ready to Join?

St Augustine offers short courses, certificate courses and a range of degrees from the bachelors through to the doctorate level, all of which are recognised and accredited by the relevant branches of South Africa’s Department of Higher Education and Training.
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Tel: 011 380 9000
Address: Cedarwood Office Park, Mount Lebanon Rd, off Western Service Rd, Woodmead, 2191
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 07h00 to 15h00 
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